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Wishing for death
Ruling on cursing Israel
Should I shave my beard to join the military?
Time limit for dream interpretation
Are Jews and Christians today people of the book?
The devil didn’t make you do it
Who shares responsibility for Syrian refugee crisis
Why Sphinx was not demolished when Muslims entered Egypt
White lies vs. black lies
Installing a satellite dish to watch the news
Is it permissible for teacher to accept gifts?
Performing ruqyah over the phone
Work for your worldly affairs as though you will live forever...
Are scholars in latter days better than some Companions
Are witnesses needed for a non Muslim to take Shahahdah
Do not circulate what disbelievers said about Prophet
From His signs are the night and the day
He died whilst in debt
I do not have a Facebook page
Refutation that Shaykh 'Abdil-Wahhaab made takfeer
Worrying about the future